Jim Meirose - New Writing - Experimental Fiction, and More

Jim Meirose's short fiction has appeared in such leading journals as
Witness, New Orleans Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, The Fiddlehead, Baltimore Review, Xavier Review, and many, many more. His novels include "The Private Adeventures of Fresh Detective Gerdulon" (Alien Buddha Press), "Sunday Dinner with Father Dwyer"(Optional Books), "Understanding Franklin Thompson"(JEF), "Le Overgivers au Club de la Résurrection"(Mannequin Haus), "No and Maybe - Maybe and No"(Pski's Porch), and "Et Tu" (C22 collective press). "Audio Bookies" (LJMcD Communications), and 'Game 5" (Soyos Books) coming in 2024. Gen'l info: www.jimmeirose.com @jwmeirose (Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnz8_ekJnBbFcgbFGfUTd5A Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jimmeirose/
Industry Comments on Jim Meirose's Work:
Joey Cruise, Editor,
"There is a mind at work here that I do not even try to understand because to crack the code, to find some semblance of logic for your own self, takes away from the purity of language in which Meirose writes. "
Editors, Bluestem: "No one writes like Jim Meirose"
Irvine Welsh, author of Trainspotting:
" A good one is 'The Damned Eleven' by Jim Meirose. It is the best...incredible..."
George Salis, Author of Sea Above, Sun Below and Editor of The Collidescope:
"...superbly accomplished novel (Le Overgivers au Club de la Résurrection) ...will surely be one of the best novels you read this year."
Tom Ball, Senior Editor, Fleas on the Dog.
"Meirose is a trickster stylist and while you might call him ‘Joycean’ his lyric signature is lighter and a little more playful than the author of ‘Ulysses’. His extraordinary word play is like listening to a dialect you don’t quite understand but from which you can nevertheless glean meaning."
Norman Conquest, Editor, Black Scat Books:
"A magician’s hand is quicker than the eye, and the same is true of Meirose’s fiction. It’s experimental magic and I haven’t a clue how he does it."
Rosemarie Tantra Bensko, author of The Agents of the Nevermind psychological suspense series, and gold medal winning novelist:
"Meirose's prose pulses with life, infusing you with intensity of each moment arising surprised. "
Richard S. Bailey, author of Off on a Tangent and Tiresias Lies: The Insidious Plot of the Men with One Left Shoe :
"Jim Meirose is a writer of distinctive voice and vision"
Jane Rosenberg LaForge, author of An Unsuitable Princess and The Hawkman: A Fairy Tale of the Great War:
"To read only one of Jim Meirose’s novels is to miss out on the scope and depth of his surreal vision"
Warwick Newnham, contributing Editor for Experimental Discourse at OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters:"Like Ballard and Burroughs, Meirose works in the realm of literature as pure consciousness: a tour de force of post-modernist philosophy as writing."
“A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house” (Matthew 13:57, NKJV)