Exterminating Angel Press Fall 2024 issue - experimental writing
"I have no idea how I’m going to do this; how’s
the how ‘f how I’m going to do this; to do this; the
how of ‘he how the hell I am going to do this. "
" The “researcher’s” mouth having set to a tight
line, tightening further with every new point
raised by their friend, felt the phrase of course forming in their brain-mouth passage, which“typically” activates repeatedly..."
"One can only be a dunce if a pointed cap and a corner are available..."
"you know it never fails its always a superhot day
when you’re late for something important and forgot
to brush your teeth, this is what always happens ."
"Open my mouth and comes out this ; please
prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately!!"
" I observed Master Hass sitting there round while
his out-of state MommaPop/great big PopMomma
% or two three of more % $ stain-o % jnwyst7dhfos dipsy=Puk-the-big-Ray..."
Experimental Short Fiction
"Yah. Ho! = to lay down back up and explain
what’s going on here when the planet Rstyj
touched Earth’s farthest out register{which had
been set to zero by wise elders way long back..."
O:JA&L - 2023 Chapbook Series -- Ten Flash
Fictions by J. Meirose; J. Meirose Craft Essay; Interview of J. Meirose by W. Newnham